Sunday, April 01, 2007

The Namesake

What about it? And why in my photoblog?

Couldn’t but ensure I spread the word somehow that Jhumpa Lahari’s novel is now illustrated in this wonderfully made movie by Mira Nair. For it’s a great movie that’s left me floundering as it relates in many ways to me, as it would to the masses of Indian immigrants across the world. The novel’s on my list on the top now next to read.

A thought provoking, intense, rich and at the same time a at-the-heart movie this one, is a must watch for Indians and Non Indians who’d like some understanding of Indians abroad in certain dimensions of their lives. It is full of goodness and good intensions I thought. But is it one way? I am not sure – I’d like to hear from you non-Indians what you thought.

Came straight from the cinema walking past 2 white ladies who were wiping their tears out gasping with a Oh-my-god sigh at the end of the movie, thought should blog to get as many people to watch it.


Anonymous said...

Can't think of anobody i know who didn't leave "home" (be it a place or a state of mind) in search of greener ground. Isn't there something for everyone (most anyone) to take away from this movie? Immigration is the medium; not the message...

Kiran said...

Aptly said!
True - has nothing to make me think its one's sided or even relates well only to 'Indian' + 'immigrants'.
You so right! bravo!