A pic and thought for the day, as this boring Wednesday evening is spent just to spend it off ...
I ponder upon what to do with this one... this life. I am just walking the walk as these birds just fly their beautiful flight. I am just living the life. A earn-to-spend, eat-to-survive, sleep-to-wake-up, wake-up-to-go-work life.

Plotting a plan is the key.
nb - I decide to chatter this blog up finally. No more don’t-post-cause-u-gonna-deffy-regret-the-unwanted-post-for-its-nonsense thoughts. Not a short lived over enthusiastic shot either. I Publish.

"As the birds fly their beautiful flight" - that should be the title of this picture..
very apt and precise words.. beautiful pic..
keep them coming...
ah wow !! awesome snap
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